A Black Moms' Guide to IEPs
Community. Education. Resources.
Our Mission
A Black Moms' Guide to IEPs mission is to empower Black mothers and caregivers with knowledge and resources to navigate their children (s) educational needs all while fostering community.
Our Programming
Community-building events through our mom chats and gatherings. Where Black mothers and caregivers can connect, share their experiences, and learn from one another.
Educational workshops, trainings, seminars, and conferences with guest speakers to provide in-depth information on Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), special education policies, navigating the school system, and so much more!
Helping to close the gaps by providing financial assistance for families to hire special education lawyers, purchase courses including group coaching related to Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), or to hire advocates and tutoring and related services.
Advocating for our Babies Speaker Series
Check our first educational workshop